*To be permitted to TRY OUT for any sport, your doctor MUST indicate on the physical form OR on a separate signed and stamped note the following:
*Family cardiac history reviewed – required for Dominick Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act
NO STUDENT will be allowed to participate in any try out without the mandated physical AND the Family Cardiac History Reviewed statement. NO exceptions will be made
This is a new NY State mandate. It IS NOT reflected on the current physical form that was provided to you along with your child's report card in June 2023.
Physical forms are valid for one year and must be dated on or after September 7. 2022.
2. Health History Form-a new form for each sport season must be completed
3. Medical Release form-which will be sent home to the athlete/parents during the sports sign-up. - this is an online form
4. Permission slip signed by the parent allowing the student to try out. This is also an online form sent home to the athlete/parents during the sports sign-up.
NO student will be permitted on the field/court unless ALL the above are handed in. Again, NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!